Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Evolution of the Chinese Terms for Foreigner -- Devil or Ghost? From Oldie to Friend

Quote  :

Misunderstandings could have been avoided if people stop referring to ghost as devil. The literal translation of "gui3" is ghost. Since the last two centuries, Chinese have stuck with habit of calling "yang2 gui3zi" 洋鬼子 short form for ghost from western oceans. It is a similar to Cantonese version of "gweilo" 鬼老 (old ghost).

It is a serious mistake to use ghost and devil interchangeably. Devil is "mo2" or "yao1" in Chinese, not "gui". Such errors are unforgivable, not just a loss in translation but reinforces prejudice and misgiving among nationalities.

Is "gui" racist? It all depends on the context, intentions and expression of the speaker. Ghosts are not confined to Caucasians, Japanese and Africans. There are many ghosts among Chinese too - people who are out of the normal range, such as gambling ghost "du gui", lazy ghost, misery ghost and greedy ghost. Elderly people sometimes shake their heads and comment disapprovingly of the ghostly behaviour of youngsters. There are times when ghosts of the human and nonhuman dimensions mingle.

Nevertheless, it was true that historically, self sufficient Chinese civilisation saw the Middle Kingdom as the centre of the universe and other tribes and races were deemed barbaric. During the Opium War and unequal treaties which ensued, the term "ghost" was used with some degree bitterness by Chinese who were patriotic and suffered from mistreatment. For generations, the habit could not be discarded. Like all stereotypes and especially historical ones, the term has lost its meaning and purpose.

In the last half a century the term "lao3 wai4" 老外 was widely used in the USA and among some English speaking Chinese. It means a foreigner similar to 外国人. The word "lao" means old is an informal form of address, a reference to "that person" as in old pal. Among Chinese, it's often used with a surname like "lao Li" or "lao Wang". There are no racist connotations but some foreigners prefer to be called a Mr so-and-so, not a "lao".

The preferred term nowadays is "wai4 guo2 peng2 you3" 外国朋友 (foreign country friend / friends from another country), quite a mouthful but can help to avoid misunderstandings of people who are easily offended. A more common and popular term among the baby boomers is "xi ren" 西人 or western person.

(Posted by Fables)

* Acknowledgement : permission granted by oneworldtalk forum to publish the synopsis of the discussions.

Monday, February 21, 2011

China Blooms, warding off Jasmine Revolution

Plum flowers which thrive in harsh winter conditions are blossoming during the spring festival which coincides with the celebration of the lunar new year.

There is no sign or potential for a Jasmine Revlution. The bottomline is that China is not Egypt, or any of the self-enriching and uncaring Middle Eastern autocratic regimes.

While China continues to be plague by social problems of the old as well as effects from economic development, the leadership is making effort albeit with mixed success in resolving them. Not many countries in the advanced economies could claim credit for good economic management.  The Chinese leadership is disciplined in esnsuring a balanced budge and keep unemployment and inflation down. Corrupt officials are investigated and meted with harsh penalties if found guilty. Policies have been geared towards institutionisation and legal framework that is clear and consistent.  Of course, like most developing countries, China is still finding its way to leapfrog in the least painful means possible.

The bottomline is : the vast majority of the Chinese people do not want to see turbulent, turmoil and bloodshed. Personal and community interests rank higher than democratic ideals. Most of the complaints involve land disputes, unequal contracts, corrupt provincial officials, labour compensation and environmental issues.  The Chinese people know too well from past revolutions that they could first and foremost be empowered with economic wealth and education.

Say what you may about information restrictions. Control of the internet, checks on dissidents, university students and workers have stemmed the sparks of discontent from turning into flames. The Chinese media including private organisations are self discipline and impose self censorship to avoid getting into trouble with the law, but more importantly, to exercise discretion, objectivity and responsibility in reporting. Chinese people know too well that political instability will return them to the dark ages, living in fear of political extremism, stagnation and decline.

The Tiananmen generation are now middle age and have become part of the bourgeois class. Many are living overseas, not precluding those who remain, have successful businesses, careers or earning good royalty incomes from publications. Some among the Tiananmen heroes are disillusioned and circumspect with politics.

Gone are the days of a single dictator or all mighty party.  The Chinese Communist Party is a collective leadership and consolidating grassroots support is the key to the party's legitimacy. As long as it endeavours to ensure food security, respect for laws, implement social reforms and safety net, address environmental issues, and work towards equal opportunities and equity, revolutions are probably a thing of the past. Sorry to disappoint democracy advocates and fighters.