Monday, May 23, 2011

General Liu Yuan says : read Zhang Musheng's "Changing our cultural history perspective"

Critics who alleged that Liu Yuan is sabre rattling obviously did not bother to read his "preface" to the book published by his social commentator friend Zhang Musheng some four years ago. Nor do they have any knowledge, understanding or appreciation of Chinese history.

Liu has certainly caught international attention though not in a favourable light. Bold imagery indeed but it is meant to wake the Chinese people from their slumber, not to alarm the insecure countries that are always on the lookout for pretext to brand China as expansionist.

Interestingly, a few pages penned by Liu whose main intention was to encourage readers to "savour" Zhang's collection of essays by Chinese thinkers could send shockwaves worldwide and spin wild speculations of China's rising militarism and leadership split!

A quick preview and gist of Liu Yuan's comments :
Liu rejects transplanting western democratic model into China as it will backfire. China should grow and embrace its unique and indigenous form of new democracy(similar to what his father Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping promoted).

History has shown that American, Japanese and Soviet systems were detrimental and could egulf China. The examples of Yugoslavia, Singapore and Hungary are only quick-fix potions. China should continue evolving and reforming itself with courage.

Indeed, people of China or the world for that matter, should not forget thousands of years of history. The reasons why the communist revolution took place was to unify the country, get rid of inequality, corrupt officials and foreign invasion and plunder. Life for the poor Chinese masses was difficult and untenable.

China has succeeded in feeding and clothing the starving millions and poor. However, economic growth based on the capitalist model has also contributed to the widening gap between the wealthy and poor, the coastal cities and remote provinces. Lest the Chinese forget and throw away all the hardwon gains from bloodshed and sacrifices through the revolutionary and reform years, the book is a timely reminder and stimulus for positive national action.  

Zhang is also known to be critical of corruption and ill discipline of some Chinese communist cadres. Does this mean that Liu implicitly or tacitly favours eradicating self-serving and bribe taking officials?

General Liu is a nationalist, like many Chinese. However, his outspoken style is not typical of Chinese leaders who are too polite and submissive. 

So, before anyone gives their two cents worth, go read the originals.
I'll be back with the full translation and informed analysis.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Chinese speaking Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd (former PM) is no China expert?

The outgoing Australian Ambassador to China Geoff Raby has given some useful tips that unmasked the ignorance of China expert wannabes. Outward appearances such as ability to speak Mandarin are deceptive - these people usually have no clue about China.

Two years ago, I had warned excited friends and online commentators to be more circumspect with the Prime Minister hopeful Kevin Rudd.

Indeed subsequent policies under Rudd's leadership showed he was antagonistic towards China. His failure to give face to the Chinese hosts by publicly chiding them of human rights violation without acknowledging the progress made was an immediate failure for China 101. Rudd's White Paper which identified China's growing influence in the region and naval buildup as a balance to the longstanding US presence was another thorn that strained bilateral relations.

Tough talking Kevin Rudd cares more about pleasing his xenophobic constituency and showing off to his western counterparts. Heed not his aggressive and confrontational advice or risk going to war in East Asia (after failures in Middle East, Vietnam and Africa). His personality and prejudices have hindered Australia's bid to make gains in its foreign policy objectives. Why would the USA and European leaders want to learn from Rudd?

People gave Rudd too much credit for being able to speak Chinese. Though he enunciates fairly accurate intonation, he sticks to the typical westernised reverse sentence strucutre, comprehensible but that's not Chinese.
There are many so-called Chinese experts commenting on China from their ivory tower or choosing to report on one apsect of the historically complex, multidimensional and multicultural nation only.  There is much more to learn for everyone, including ethnic Chinese diaspora in the world who have often made summary erroreous judgements about China time and again.

The same maxim should apply to the writer of the report (John Garnaut) whose lack of understanding of his coverage is due not to his language handicap but tinted lenses.

Some cynical business commentators call for "long-term" planning. However, it one can't get pass the short-term, the long-term destination will be irrelevant. While Asia will face problems of ageing, the huge savings and market for aged is an area industrialised and advanced economies could target. Moreover, it does not look as if the US and Europe will get out of the doldrums anytime soon or if at all without revolutionary change in mindset and policies.